Photography by Álvaro Piñeiro
Creative Direction, Styling, Hair and Make up by Verónica Cal
Film and Editing by Suo
Model by Mar
Álvaro Piñeiro/Photographer(Madrid based)
Verónica Cal/CRAVO’s Creative director and Stylist(Galicia based)
「Identity carried by the homeland(故郷に背負われたアイデンティティー)」
ガリシアの19世紀の詩人、Rosalía de Castroと彼女の詩 「Unha vez tiven un cravo(かつて私は棘を持っていた)」からインスピレーションを得て、このプロジェクトのタイトルに 「CRAVO」を選びました。
この 「CRAVO(棘)」は、心の奥底で痛む未知の空虚感を意味し、この場合は、一度去った故郷の記憶を辿り、自分のルーツや最も愛する場所との物理的な繋がりの欠如を深く感じるという郷愁に動機づけられています。
This story was inspired by my homeland Galicia and its particular traditions and folklore, which I am very fond of after being born and raised in a rural environment that is, inherently, more attached to these cultural elements that influence our characters and identities as Galician fellows.
Added hints of romance complement the aesthetics of this project, as romance itself is an outstanding part of my identity as a fashion stylist and creative.
It felt like I was mixing the best of both worlds, personal and professional.
The feeling of nostalgia one goes through when leaving the home country in search of better opportunities elsewhere, (a feeling that has its own word for in Galician tongue ‘morriña’)has also influenced the development of the storyline of the project.
Experiencing this feeling myself for the first time when moving out to Madrid to do my Master’s after spending all my life in Galicia, I started to realize how morriña and the love for our birth country can unite us as a community.
With the project I aimed to create a visual story that transports you to the place you belong to, even if you can’t travel there physically.
One might find some relief at those moments when the heart is aching for the memories left behind, by traveling through the pictures of landscapes and looks inspired by traditional costume and folkloric characters.
Galician 19th century poetess, Rosalía de Castro, and her poem ‘Unha vez tiven un cravo(Once I had a thorn) inspired me when choosing ‘CRAVO’ as a title for this project.
This ‘cravo(thorn) implies to me a deep, unknown feeling of emptiness aching in your heart, being in this particular case motivated by the nostalgia of going through the memories of a homeland once left, deeply feeling the lack of physical connection to our roots and most beloved places.