Photography and Direction by Onna Martínez
Styling by Isabel Marcos
Hair and Make up by Martina Pincheira
Model by Alejandra Lozar
Onna Martínez/Photographer (Madrid based)
「Just Kids(ジャスト・キッズ)」
この作品のインスピレーション源は、個人的な体験と、アートの見方やアクセス方法に大きな影響を与えたPatti Smithの自伝「Just Kids(ジャスト・キッズ)」です。
The inspiration for this editorial stems from personal experiences and a book that has significantly influenced my way of viewing art and accessing it: ‘Just Kids’, an autobiography by Patti Smith.
The idea originated from a project that encouraged me to capture my identity as a photographer.
It was a challenging concept because I feel I am only beginning to discover myself, and portraying that in a truthful and conscious way was overwhelming at first.
Looking back at the beginnings of my career, I realized that something constant in all my projects is the need to leave a part of myself and my story in each of them.
And then, I started thinking about what I wanted to share this time and how to convey it.
The creation of the new photobook became a way to prove to myself that I could create using everything I am and everything I’ve experienced, and this editorial serves as a window into the heart of that idea.