A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.210 “Todavía te veo cuando miro el mar(I still see you when I look at the sea)”
shirt by LORENZO MARTÍNEZ, tights by GEORGIELA.STUDIO, shoes by GREY CLAY, earrings by VERBOtop and shoes by GREY CLAY, shorts by ÁLVARO CALAFAT
Photography and Art Direction by Paula Amenta
Styling by Jenny Arango
Hair and Make up by Alicia O at I.C.O.N. Products España
Set Design by Manuel Giró at baba studio
Models by Katharina Schwabach at UNO MODELS and Irene Nuez at Generation Models
Photography Assistant by Magdalena Lennon
Paula Amenta/Photographer and Art Director
(Barcelona based)
This is the story of friendship heartbreak, and the bond between two women that no longer exists.
I wanted to make visible that when a friendship ends, it can also be painful and there is a process that we need to go through, just like in a romantic ones.
All the images are postcards from the past, the memories of when they once were together.
Each change of look tells different stages of the story.
The first ones are more fresh, they are discovering each other and the one with the flowers that sneaks into the image is that someone who gets forever into your head.
The second ones are pure love, and they feel everything is perfect like that.
And the third ones are the most pastel and the melancholic. Time mixes between the past and the present.
They are separate, but can't forget each other, and the makeup on those images has lines that unite them between their faces.
The sea always inspires me a lot, and this time the trigger was my first vacation on the Costa Brava, Spain.
I spent many days in summer on the same beach at the location of this editorial.
The different types of relationships between women is one of the topics that I am passionate about and to which I always return.
coat by HENRY TZAB, tights by CECILIA DE RAFAEL, shoes by GREY CLAYright - shirt by ROBERT RODRIGUEZ, tights by CECILIA DE RAFAEL, shoes by GREY CLAY, hat by ZAHATI, earrings by VERBOleft - coat by LORENZO MARTÍNEZ, jumpsuit by GREY CLAY, tights by CECILIA DE RAFAEL, shoes by GREY CLAY
right - coat by GIORODO, shirt by WE ARE D., trousers by ÁLVARO CALAFAT, tights by CECILIA DE RAFAEL, shoes by GREY CLAY
Paula Amenta: バルセロナを拠点に活動するアルゼンチン出身の写真家兼アートディレクター。
また、気候変動やフェミニズムの活動家でもあり、現在はコンシャスプロジェクトを中心に、エシカルであることや女性の身体の真正な表現に重きを置きクライアントと共に活動している。 www.mentaylunares.com
A Barcelona-based photographer and art director from Argentina.
She was a musician all her life until started to dedicate herself to photography when she emigrated from her country about 4 years ago. She is also an activist for climate and feminism, and right now she is focusing on conscious projects, choosing clients with an ethical production and with a special intention to show the body of women in a real way.