A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.138 “Ukiyo”
jacket by COS, shoes by DE LAS CUEVAS, gloves by VICTOR VON SCHWARZ, tights stylist’s owndress and top by GEORGIELA STUDIOdress by BAAL BOMBER, top by RICARD BALDOMÀjacket by THIERRY MUGLER, dress by VICTOR VON SCHWARZ
Photography by Miriam Serrano, Trinidad Varga, Marta Rubio and Marisa Montiel
Styling by Joel Escalonilla Llorente
Make up by Josefina Riquelme Edwards
Model by Sofia at Blow Models
“Ukiyo”, floating, fleeting, or transient world describes a lifestyle, the pleasure-seeking aspects.
In its modern usage, the term ukiyo "The Floating World" refers more to a state of being: living in the moment, being detached from the bothers of life.
This story is a representation of the lifestyle we have as a friends, of living the present moment.
Ukiyo, is from the Tokunaga era, in 1868.
At that time, engravings and woodcuts were made by artist like Katsushika Hokusai or Suzuki Harunobu.
We loved the concept of working with the photographs, scanning and playing with the collage.
dress and top by GEORGIELA STUDIO, shorts by HYDtop by MANUEL BOLAÑO, inner top by VICTOR VON SCHWARZ, shorts by HYD, boots by AU REVOIR CINDERELLA, gloves by SANDROtop by MANUEL BOLAÑO, jacket by SANDRO, shoes by DE LAS CUEVASshirt by GEORGIELA STUDIO, skirt, trousers and gloves by VICTOR VON SCHWARZ, shoes by DE LAS CUEVASdress by BAAL BOMBER, top by RICARD BALDOMÀ, shoes by DE LAS CUEVAShat by RICARD BALDOMÀ
Photographers based in Barcelona.
Miriam is usually inspired by cinema, light and observing the world, Trinidad takes the inspiration from the past as a dance, Marta is an adult with a kid’s soul and Marisa is a photographer with an advertising background.
As a family, they create some projects and define them with each different backgrounds and opinions.