A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent,
Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.256 “Pin & Paper”
earrings by BEATRIZ PALACIOSearcuff by BEATRIZ PALACIOS, skirt stylist's own
Photography by Julia von der Heide
Styling by Julia Popova
Model by Elda at Blow Models
Julia von der Heide/Photographer(Berlin, Barcelona and Paris based)
Julia Popova/Stylist(Barcelona based)
This story is looking for a balance between body movements and still life.
For their shooting, the two Julia’s were playing around with objects from daily life like paper, wrapping material and fruits.
We wanted to experiment and work as minimally as possible to show that you don't need much to take a good photograph.
ring by BEATRIZ PALACIOSshorts stylist's ownearrings and ring by NATHALIE SCHRECKENBERGearcuffs by BEATRIZ PALACIOS
Julia von der Heide: ドイツ・ベルリン出身のフォトグラファー。
被写体を自然に演出し、写真そのものに常に興味を抱く。 juliavonderheide.com
A photographer from Berlin, Germany.
She has just moved to Paris from Barcelona to work even more internationally.
She directs the subjects naturally and is always interested in the photography itself.
Julia Popova: バルセロナを拠点に活動するスタイリスト。
作品と視覚言語を通して、自然の美しさ、考慮されたシンプルさ、色、形、テクスチャーの調和をたたえる。 www.juliatheca.com
A stylist based in Barcelona.
She celebrates a natural beauty, considered simplicity and harmony of colors, shapes and textures within her visual language and various projects.