A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.252 “Una Dia”
jacket and trousers by LOLA CASADEMONT, sandals by SHINOBI, earrings by MŌULE JEWELRYtop by YVES SAINT LAURENT, swimwear by CLŌ STORIES, belt by WHAT A MESH, vintage boots stylist’s owntop by H&M, inner top by PAOLA MOLET, trousers by SILVAN HEACH, earrings by K M BY LANGEdress by CORTANA, swimwear by ANDRES SANDRA, glasses by JEAN PICCARD, jacket, vintage boots and belt stylist’s own
Photography by Peter Olsson
Styling by María Aznar and Maria Hardy
Hair and Make up by Andrea Jordan
Model by Mariona Diaz at Francina Models
Photography Assistant by Ida Lundell
Special Thanks Johannes Karlsson
In this editorial, we follow Mariona along the Catalonian coast in Spain.
We see a young woman true to her own path, as she explores the surroundings of her home town.
A somewhat defiant feeling is present throughout the shoot, and the analog film paired with the mostly natural posing it all seem like captures from an ordinary summer day.
This is why in the end we simply decided to call the shoot “Una Dia” or “A day”.
Like in a lot of my previous work, I was inspired by the seemingly borderless world of the youth.
That strength you can sense when the world is still your oyster.
The aim was to capture something that carried that feeling, but that also felt as nostalgic as looking through an old holiday album.
It was important that we found some tension between the summery feels and the struggles of the real world to keep a sense of rawness, and I think it all landed very well.
dress by K M BY LANGE, swimwear by CLŌ STORIEStop by CORTANA, trousers by SHINOBI, earrings by LOLA CASADEMONT, ring by MŌULE JEWELRY, sandals stylist's ownshirt by AUDREY VALLENS, shorts by COMELLE BY TOTÓN COMELLA, jacket and vintage boots stylist’s owntop by COMELLE BY TOTÓN COMELLA, shirt by AUDREY VALLENS, trousers by CASTILLO, belt by UTERQÜE, sandals stylist’s own
Peter Olsson : スウェーデン・ストックホルムを拠点に活躍するファッション兼ライフスタイルフォトグラファー。
現在は故郷のストックホルムで若者を撮影するパーソナルなプロジェクトに取り組んでおり、近日中に発表予定。 www.peterostudio.com
A fashion and lifestyle photographer currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.
After years of dabbling with various art forms, he stumbled upon photography when he moved to the United States in his late 20's.
He is currently working on a personal project to capture the youth in his home town of Stockholm, and hopes to share a body of work soon.