A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.286 “White Soul”
top and skirt by PAOLA MOLETshirt by PAOLA MOLET
Photography by Berta Dòria
Styling by Sara Galván
Hair and Make up by Andrea González
Model by Emilia at Two Management Barcelona
Berta Dòria/Photographer(Barcelona based)
Sara Galván/Stylist(Barcelona based)
「Color of the Soul(魂の色)」
The color white is the totality of light.
And that inspired me to create something that was as pure as light.
I thought that the color of souls describes people, and then I understood that a white soul is a pure soul, that illuminates the world with that light that it has inside.
Then they say that the eyes are the reflection of the soul, for this I tried to make my gaze be that pure, innocent and fragile.
top and skirt stylist's owntop by ZARA, skirt by ANTONIO MARCIAL
A photographer based in Barcelona.
Always inspired by femininity, bodies and skin, she likes to show delicacy and intimacy in everything she photographs.
With the aesthetics of her photos, she tries that each person can find different emotions.
Sara Galván: バルセロナを拠点に活動するスタイリスト。
言語学のバックグラウンドとスタイリングの知識を融合させ、Fucking YoungやCake Magazineなどのeコマースやエディトリアルを中心に制作を行う。
歴史や物語、古い時代やまだ見ぬ未来からインスピレーションを受けている。 www.instagram.com/saragalvvan
A stylist based in Barcelona.
Having a language background combined with fashion styling masters, she has worked in electronic commerce and editorials, such as Fucking Young and Cake Magazine.
She gets inspiration from history and stories, old times and the ones that are yet to come.