A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.283 “Touring Around”
jacket, top and trousers by NISKA, earrings by GLORIA SADO, bow tie by ELVIA CRUZ, all rings stylist’s owntop by VALCO, trousers by JEANETTE TOSCANO, belt by REGINA ROMERO, bag by DIAN
Photography and Creative Direction by Jude Rojas
Styling, Hair and Make up by Mitzi Carbajal
Model by Sarah Jill DeCoste at Morgan Model Management
Photography Assistant by Alina Garavito
Jude Rojas/Photographer(Mexico City based)
「Architectures and Clothes(建築と服)」
This work was inspired by the combination of the classic architecture of Mexico City, where the clothes are a reflection of it.
The story of the editorial is because the model Sarah was her first time in Mexico City, so for her it was a shooting and touring around at the same time.
jacket and skirt by VAZZ THE BRAND, top by ELVIA CRUZ, shoes by REGINA ROMERO, earrings and brooch by XTRAVAGANZA, necklace and ring by MARÍA MARSCALdress by ZAMOCHKOVA, shoes by ZARA, belt by FERNANDO ALBERTO, earrings by XTRAVAGANZAdress by DIARTMO, sunglasses, earrings and all rings stylist’s own
Jude Rojas: メキシコシティを拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。
GEZNO Magazine、Scorpio Jin Magazine、L’Officiel Balticをはじめとする媒体に作品が掲載されている。 juderojas.com.mx
A photographer based in Mexico City.
After studying visual art, she currently works mainly on commercials and editorials.
Her photographs has been published in fashion magazines such as GEZNO Magazine, Scorpio Jin Magazine, L’Officiel Baltic and more.