A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.281 “I can fly”
dress stylist’s owndress and top by SARA TAKAHASHI, shoes stylist’s ownskirt, shoes and belt by DIESEL, top and bustier stylist’s own
Photography by Shu Ashizawa at S-14
Styling by Mana Kogiso at io
Make up by Yukako Morino at Perle Management
Model by KOKO at BRAVO models
Since I wanted to take pictures that were exciting and “throbbing” with a child-like feeling, this theme fit very well and was something I could enjoy facing to.
I was surprised when Kogiso told me at our first meeting that she wanted to shoot a photo of a model flying in the sky, but together with Morino, the hair and make up artist, we discussed many times and came up with a way to shoot without using compositing.
I also like the simplicity of the storyline.
“Sometime you try your best and things don’t go well, but try again and end up with a smile on your face!”
This somehow embarrassing simple message is just right to me now.
Mana Kogiso/Stylist
(Tokyo based)
「Fly to the dreams(夢に向かって飛ぶ)」
「やっぱり飛べるよ。I can fly」と言っていたら、カメラマンの周さん、ヘアメイクの森野さん、モデルのKOKOさんが一緒に物語を作ってくれました。
I can fly.
Yes, we can fly to our dreams.
When we were a child, we believed that “We could fly”.
Now we became adults, got more “important things”.
“Sky” has gone away and became “something close by”.
I have grown up, but…
After I kept on saying “I can still fly”, photographer Shu, hair and make up artist Morino and model KOKO helped me to create a story.
I have a future that I want to fly to, and a dream that I definitely want to achieve.
So, I will fly.
I can fly.
Yes, we can fly to our dreams.
left single earcuff by CRITICAL : LAB, right single earcuff by SHISUI, jacket, top and gloves stylist’s owndress by DREAM SISTER JANE, bodysuit by MAISON J.SIMONE, skirt by THE KEIJI, shoes stylist’s owndress by SIIILON, trousers by DIESEL, shoes by GROUNDS, shirt and rings stylist’s own
Shu Ashizawa: 東京に拠点を置くフォトグラファー。
大人の女性の目線と少年のような視点の両方をあわせ持ち、モダンでポップ、ポジティブな写真を得意とする。 s-14.jp/photographer/shu-ashizawa
A photographer based in Tokyo.
She works in fashion, beauty and many other fields.
She specializes in modern, pop and positive photography that combines both an adult woman’s and a boyish perspective.
Mana Kogiso: 東京を拠点に活動するスタイリスト。
ファッション愛に満ちた、自由で色彩豊かなスタイリングを得意とする。 www.instagram.com/kogisonofuku
A stylist based in Tokyo.
Starting her career as a magazine editorial assistant, she became independent in 2008.
She specializes in free and colorful styling filled with love of fashion.