A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.423 “Firefly Dancing”
trousers by MARTA SILVA
dress, top and bodysuit by ANDREA CUARESMAtop by MARTA SILVA
Creative Direction and Photography by Andrea Lázaro
Styling by Andrea Mansilla
Make up by Alba Lorenzo
Model by Wiktoria at FIFTH Models
For this story I have taken as a reference the folklore of Japanese culture, where fireflies, among other things, symbolize the souls of ancestors, who return to visit their loved ones.
Its light is believed to guide lost travelers and provide protection.
In these photographs, the protagonist, a soul trapped in the forest, moves between the world of the living and the dead trying to find her way.
dress, top and bodysuit by ANDREA CUARESMAtop by MARTA SILVAtop and trousers by MARTA SILVA
Andrea Lázaro: バルセロナを拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。
ファッション写真を学び、現在は「what I feel when I think about love」という、愛することの本質について語る個人的なプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。 www.instagram.com/simorglasss/
A photographer based in Barcelona.
She studied fashion photography and is currently working on a personal project called ‘what I feel when I think about love’ that talks about the nature of loving.