A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
Like flowers before they bloom; as a platform to exhibit and nurture young talent, Lula JAPAN’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and fresh new sensibility.
No.93 “Proserpine”
black dress by ANNETTE GOERTZ , beige dress by RESERVED, earrings stylist’s owndress by RESERVED, belt by LIMÉ, earrings stylist’s owndress by ANNETTE GOERTZ, top by GIVENCHY, earrings by MANGO, chain by CHU DI, belt and shoes stylist’s ownblack dress by ANNETTE GOERTZ , beige dress by RESERVED, earrings stylist’s ownjacket by PATTERN, shirt, earrings and necklace stylist’s owndress by ANNETTE GOERTZ, top by GIVENCHYblack dress by ANNETTE GOERTZ , beige dress by RESERVED, earrings stylist’s ownjumpsuit by WILD PONY, top by STRADIVARIUS, belt stylist’s own
Photography by Alexander Yantyushev
Styling by Anastasia Veselova
Make up by Ekaterina Mikula
Model by Maria at PRET-A-PORTER MMG
Production by Katrin Malin at vi.art agency
Alexander Yantyushev/Photographer
(Ekaterinburg based)
My team and I were inspired by the myth of Proserpine and shoot this story.
This is a story about the return of Proserpine to the Earth from the hell.
Time is infinite, but the energy is not and it has to reproduce its creations.
We decided to shoot our story against the background of ancient limestone rocks that were the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago.
At the same time I often drove here from college to my hometown.
This place was the most beautiful part of the route.
coat by PATTERN, dress by RESERVED, belt by LIMÉ, socks and shoes stylist’s own
Alexander Yantyushev: ロシア・エカテリンブルクを拠点とするポートレートおよびファッションの写真家。
これまで数々の作品が国内外の雑誌に掲載され、現在はウラル地方でポートレート作品「Boys of Summer」の制作に取り組んでいる。
このシリーズ作品では自身の出身地であるウラル山脈、出会った人々の美しさ、そして多彩な夏を映し出していく。 www.instagram.com/yantyushev/
Portrait and fashion photographer based in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
His works were published in various magazines both at home and abroad. And currently working on a film photo book called "Boys of Summer" that includes portraits and stories about guys from Ural region and short summer that show the beauty of the guys I meet, the beauty of the Ural mountains, which is his native region, as well as how varied the summer in the city can be.