The last time I experienced deeply sora-iro was during a trip to Ladakh, India.
The majestic Himalayas mountains which appeared before my eyes were absolutely overwhelming, and so was the lack of oxygen.
The sun was so bright that the snow became a single giant reflector.
Within white and blue – within ice and deep blue sky – I was seeing a thousands of colors and it’s this one-of-a-kind experience that made me want to present this series as Fresson prints – a unique coal process invented in France in 1899.
Vasantha Yogananthan: パリに拠点を置くフォトグラファー。
パーソナルプロジェクトの「A Myth of Two Souls(2013~2020年)」と「Sounds of Silence(2019年~現在も進行中)」の制作を通じ、ドキュメンタリーとフィクションの間を行く独自のスタイルを確立。
2019年に「MAME KUROGOUCHI」のプロジェクトを手掛けるなど、ファッションブランドとのコラボレーションも行っている。 vasanthayogananthan.com
A photographer, living and working in Paris.
His own process that intermediates between documentary and fiction has been developed whilst working on personal projects “A Myth of Two Souls (2013-2020)” and “Sounds of Silence (2019-ongoing)”. Yogananthan sometimes also collaborates with brands — in 2019, he has worked on a special project in Japan for MAME KUROGOUCHI.