Beni-iro is for me the strongest color in color photography.
It always pops up and easily becomes the focal point of a picture.
This color automatically reminds me of William Eggleston’s ‘red room’ pictures.
Beni-iro often becomes a landmark in the landscape.
A red detail on a building, a red sign or line, are always something I’m looking for when I’m looking around.
Beni-iro is related to love, to passion but also to strength.
Beni-iro can’t hide.
Using this color on built elements is a bold choice, it says ‘I want to be seen’.
This, I think, automatically transfers into a picture.
Simon Nicoloso: フランスのフォトグラファーであり建築家。
独学で写真を学び、日常生活や旅行で見つけた、都市空間や景観の意図せぬ美しさを探求している。 simonnicoloso.com
Photographer and architect in France. Self-taught in photography, he explores the unintentional beauty of man-made spaces and landscapes found in his everyday life and during his travels.