A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.302 “Flashes”
coat by EÑAUT, top by ZARA, sandals stylist’s owntop by WHYLOUT, dress by CONCEPCIÓN MIRANDA, socks and shoes by ZARAtop by MIU MIU, trousers by ALERSUNDI, mask hat by ANDRES SARDA
Photography by Virginia Navarro
Styling by Laura Mó and Candela Guzmán at Marc Juan Comunicación
Hair and Make up by Lidia Lasso
Model by Celina Schalk at Towanda Models
Photography Assistant by Tony González at Camaleó coworking Barcelona
Virginia Navarro/Photographer(Barcelona based)
「Power of Light(光の力)」
「すべてのものにはヒビがある 光はそこから入るのだ」
これは、Leonard Cohenの「Anthem」という曲の歌詞の一部です。
“There is a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in”
Flashes Editorial talks about the power of the light.
It talks about the illumination focusing mainly through the silver, a nocturnal tone that survives in the dark thanks to its brightness.
Silver is the color of light and reflection.
It is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious.
Glamorous and sophisticated in connection with female-energy and modernity.
Silver gives off sparkles, an ephemeral glow, an intense light; like a sheen of light that allows you to play with textures or volumes.
Inspiration of this work comes from cosmos, technology, and Françoise Hardy’s style.
top by ANDRES SARDA, skirt by CONCEPCIÓN MIRANDA, necklace by CHANEL, bag by GUCCIdress by NAJJAT HARB, scarf by ALERSUNDI, sandals and earrings stylist’s ownbag by GUCCIdress by CASSUM, hairpin by DOMINNICO, all hair clips stylist’s own
Virginia Navarro: バルセロナを拠点とし、ポートレートやファッション写真を中心に活動するフォトグラファー。
イタリアの女性向けサスティナブルブランド「ROBERTA MODENA」のキャンペーンを撮影するなど、社会的にも環境的にも重要な役割を担っている。 www.instagram.com/calotta.studio
A portrait and fashion photographer based in Barcelona.
She loves to create eye-catching images, focusing on telling stories through her emotions.
Involved both socially and ecologically, she photographed a campaign for the Italian and feminine sustainable brand ‘Roberta Modena’.