A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.431 “Rosa-Ballerina”
dress by ALLSAINTS, tights by FALKE, shoes by PETER KAISERt-shirt by REEBOK, skirt by HARAMtop by AKNVAS, trousers by WEEKEND MAX MARA, shoes by BY MALENE BIRGER
Photography by Rok Trzan
Styling & AD by Sonja Hodzode
Hair & Make up by Servulo Mendez using ctzncosmetics
Light by Liam Mulligan
Model by Rosa at Mirrrs Models
Sonja Hodzode/Stylist(Berlin based)
Rok Trzan/Photographer(Berlin based)
It was our first collaboration and we aimed to tell the fictional story about a ballerina, portraying her in different roles and situations.
We were playing with contrasts as soft and strong, athletic and romantic, playful and serious, etc. The color red-orange serves as a thread through the story.
We loved working with Rosa, who is a versatile newcomer model. Our hair and make-up artist Servulo created different personas for her trough the shoot.
bra by ANNE BERNECKER, dress by DIESEL, tights by CALZEDONIA, shoes by RAG & BONEtop by HARAM, trousers by LEVI’S
Sonja Hodzode: ベルリンを拠点に活動し、ストーリーテリングに情熱を注ぐスタイリスト兼クリエイティブ・コンサルタント。
ネオンパステル調を好み、ファッションエディトリアルのスタイリングとアートディレクションを担当する他、ベルリンファッションウィーク期間中にドイツ屈指の才能を紹介する展覧会「Der Berliner Salon」のデザイナー・リレーションを束ねる。 www.instagram.com/sonja_hodzode/
A Berlin based stylist and creative consultant with a passion for storytelling.
She loves neon-pastel tones. Other than styling and art directing fashion editorials she manages the designer relations for ‘Der Berliner Salon’, an exhibition showcasing outstanding German talents during Berlin Fashion Week.
Rok Trzan: スロベニア出身、現在ベルリンを拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。
さまざまなクライアントのためのコマーシャルワークに加え、エディトリアルプロジェクトを通して独自のヴィジュアルスタイルを確立し、洗練させることを常に探求している。近々、日本へのインスピレーションの旅に出る予定。 www.instagram.com/roktrzan/
A Slovenian-born photographer currently based in Berlin.
Besides his commercial work for a diverse range of clients, he is on a constant quest to define and refine his unique visual style through his editorial projects. He’s excited to go on an inspiration trip to Japan soon.