Encounter|Nina Sozzini

left - dress by LUISA BECCARIA,
right - dress by ANTONIO MARRAS, shirt by CO|TE, vintage earrings

Encounter|Nina Sozzini




A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.

No.188 “Fannie, Eve and May”

left - dress by HORROR VACUI, vintage socks, shoes by A.BOCCA,
right - shirt and trousers by TPN, sandals by RAID
coat by LORO PIANA, bag by ROSANTICA
vintage dress, shirt by LUISA BECCARIA
left - dress by ROMEO GIGLI,
right - vintage dress, shirt by LUISA BECCARIA, sandals by RAID

Art Direction and Styling by Nina Sozzini
Photography by Debora Pota
Hair by Xavier Perez and Giorgia Trezzi at MKS AGENCY
Make up by Elena Bettanello and Chiara Vitulo
Models by Dasha Buzina at The Wall Agency, Maria Melandri and Federica Sole at BabY FasHioN .iT

Nina Sozzini/Art Director and Stylist
(Milan based)

この作品は、2人の女性 FannieとEveと1人の幼い女の子 Mayの関係性を物語っています。

Rainer Werner Fassbinderによる「Effi Briest(邦題:エフィ・ブリースト)」、Peter Weirが手がけた「Picnic at the Hanging Rock(邦題:ピクニックatハンギング・ロック)」、Terrence Malickの「Badlands(邦題:地獄の逃避行)」、Robert Altmanの「Three Women(邦題:3人の女性)」など、いくつかの作品がこの作品のバックグラウンドを形作っています。

また、00s初頭の女優 Lillian Gishの姿や「CECILIE BAHNSEN」と「SIMONE ROCHA」の世界観に登場する女性、そして日本のスタイリスト 小藪奈央が作り出す世界観や「SRETSIS」のキャンペーンヴィジュアルからも着想を得ています。

This story narrates the relationship between two women and a little girl: Fannie, Eve and May.
Sometimes they are on their own sometimes they are together, sometimes they are enjoying their time, sometimes they are annoying each other.
They seem to live in a world apart, where time flows in a different way.

The project portrays a particular feminine world, bound to frivolousness, innocence, detachment and a kind irony.
Several ispiration built the background for this story: movies like ‘Effie Birest’ by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, ‘Picnic at the Hanging Rock’ by Peter Weir, ‘Badlands’ by Terrence Malick or ‘Three Women’ by Robert Altman.

Some pictures of Lillian Gish in the early 00s, and the girls of “CECILIE BAHNSEN” or “SIMONE ROCHA” even with a hint of Japanese aesthetic thanks to Nao Koyabu editorials or “SRETSIS” campaign.

shirt by DAIZY SHELY, skirt by LORO PIANA, jacket wrapped around the waist by ODI ODI
left - dress by ODI ODI,
right - dress by ANTONIO MARRAS
left - dress by ANTONIO MARRAS,
right - jumpsuit by LUISA BECCARIA
left - dress, shirt and ribbon by CO|TE,
right - vintage dress, hat by GIANMARCO BERSANI
left - dress by TEEN IDOL,
right - dress by LUISA BECCARIA
vintage dress, hat by GIANMARCO BERSANI

Nina Sozzini:

A stylist based in Milan. Now she is interested in fashion journalism.
She has recently worked as a stylist for kids wear and appeared in several magazines.
Her dreamlike world with an innocent scent enchants the viewers.