A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.388 “MONDO”
corset by ANEMONE, top by ZOE OMS, shirt by UTERQUEcorset by ANEMONE, top and tights stylist’s owntop by ZOE OMS, arm covers by ANEMONE
Photography by Josefina Del Brillar
Styling by Andrea Regüés
Model by Martine Dirkzwager at Blow Models
Josefina Del Brillar/Photographer(Barcelona based)
「Her Own World(自分の世界)」
In this story, called ‘MONDO’, we share our vision of a pure being living in a cozy peaceful world.
A naive soul that passes through her own Mondo stage, far away from the chaos we all live in.
inner top by & OTHER STORIES, skirt by ANEMONE, hat by ZOE OMS, tops and shoes stylist’s owndress by H&M STUDIO, corset and scarf stylist’s owntop by ANEMONE, skirt by ZOE OMS
Josefina Del Brillar: バルセロナを拠点に活動するチリ人フォトグラファー。
現在年末に展示したいと考えている、スペインでの生活と移住の記録をテキストやポエム、ファンジンを使って記録したショートフィルムの制作に取り組んでいる。 www.instagram.com/jo.delbrillar/
A Chilean photographer based in Barcelona.
She grew up in Santiago, where she took her first step in photography, and then migrated to Spain looking for a more specific path in fashion photography.
She is currently working on some personal projects she is wishing to exhibit at the end of the year.
It’s a compilation of short films that document her life in Spain and her process of migration, with texts, poems, and fanzines.