A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
Like flowers before they bloom; as a platform to exhibit and nurture young talent, Lula JAPAN’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and fresh new sensibility.
No.67 “I am, You Wear”
left – jacket by LOUIS VUITTON, top by VERSACE, trousers by Y/PROJECT, shoes by NEOUS
middle – jacket by JOHN LAWRENCE SULLIVAN, top by ROBERTO CAVALLI, trousers by BIANCA SAUNDERS, shoes by COACH
right – green jacket by BALMAIN, shirt and shoes by CMMN SWDN, trousers by BIANCA SAUNDERSleft – jacket by LOUIS VUITTON, top by VERSACE, trousers by Y/PROJECT
middle – green jacket by BALMAIN
right – jacket by JOHN LAWRENCE SULLIVAN, top by ROBERTO CAVALLIdress and shoes by CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC
The story was initially inspired by the movie “Sixteen Candles” which has been a very strong reference for our work.
Related to the idea of college, the message that we wanted to give had to be more powerful.
That’s when the theme has developed into a revolution of uniforms.
The story was also inspired by the movie “Grease”.
The idea was to have different couples of models, two boys and two girls where you can’t really tell if they’re friends or lovers. The boys had to look like rebels in the attitude and the style, the girls properly dressed up and quite chic.
left – skirt and shoes by MIU MIU, tights by MULBERRY
right – jacket, trousers and shoes by BALENCIAGAjacket, shoes and bag by GIVENCHY, top by TOD’S, skirt by VERSACE, gloves by CORNELIA JAMES
Clara La Rosa: ロンドンに拠点を置くファッションスタイリスト兼イメージコンサルタント。
現在は、故郷のシチリア島をファッションと写真で記録するプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。 claralarosa.com
Fashion stylist and image consultant based in London.
Her works are internationally published and she is currently working on different projects to document her homeland, experimenting herself with fashion and photography.