A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
Like flowers before they bloom; as a platform to exhibit and nurture young talent, Lula JAPAN’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and fresh new sensibility.
No.68 “La Bella Italia”
middle- shirt, trousers and shoes by TOMMY HILFIGERjacket, top, skirt and necklace by CHANEL
The story was inspired by the union of a typical family in Sicily.
Sicily is my homeland and we have a very strong sense of family.
In my family we usually have a big lunch every Saturdays and everyone has to join in from the old generation to the youngest. The grandmother is like a mother to the grandchildren.
Furthermore I live by the sea and it’s usual for a boy from a water polo team to hang out all together, as a part of a new family.
shorts by KENZO, towel by STELLA MCCARTNEYleft – jacket, top, skirt and necklace by CHANEL
right – suits by DAKS, sandals by CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN
Clara La Rosa: ロンドンに拠点を置くファッションスタイリスト兼イメージコンサルタント。
現在は、故郷のシチリア島をファッションと写真で記録するプロジェクトに取り組んでいる。 claralarosa.com
Fashion stylist and image consultant based in London.
Her works are internationally published and she is currently working on different projects to document her homeland, experimenting herself with fashion and photography.