A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.450 “Moments D’été”
top by SPORTY & RICH, swimsuit by PERSO, vintage sunglasses by DOLCE&GABBANAswimsuit by VANESSA SPOSI, necklace by GASswimsuit by ERES, glasses by EMMANUELLE KHANH
Photography by Angélique Canu
Styling by Loïc Rajoharison Le Goff
Models by Rose Kely Ranarivelo at CITY MODELS and Clara at NEW WAVE MANAGEMENT
Angélique Canu/Photographer(Paris based)
Loïc Rajoharison Le Goff/Stylist(Paris based)
'Moments D’été' means 'summer moments' in French.
To fulfill nice moments of sunbathing, we decided to shoot a selection of items that could meet the vision of a classy, soft, and singular woman during her holiday resting escape.
The aesthetic goes through natural tones, organic sun feeling, softness of the skin, and a stylish look for well-being.
A vision of feeling the sun meeting textures and colors was the idea of this shoot.
With the medium of analog, it reveals every detail of the chosen items, while its nature, human skin, or fashion creations.
bag by GASswimsuit by ERES, necklace by GOOSSENSswimsuit by VANESSA SPOSI, hat by MAISON MICHEL
A photographer based in Paris who explores softness, materials and colors through the medium of analog.
She loves to highlight details and also people’s singularities.
Loïc Rajoharison Le Goff: パリベースのスタイリスト。ディテールや精神性に重きを置いて制作をする。
ラグジュアリーメゾンのプロダクトエグゼクティブとして経験を積み、現在はニーズを満たすための強いヴィジョンを持ちながら、クリエイティブを探求することを楽しんでいる。 www.instagram.com/lesfeaturings
A stylist based in Paris who mainly focuses on details and souls.
Trained as a product executive within luxury maisons, now enjoys wandering around creatives with a strong vision to enhance their path to their wants and needs.