そして私は、大好きな写真家 Joel Meyerowitzの80sの作品をいくつか思い浮かべます。
The color kitsune-iro reminds me of the sunlight, the most important element of my universe as a photographer.
I could live in an eternal summer with sunburned skin, smell of the heat, warmth of the evenings and sunset shadows.
I’m always analyzing how the natural lights is working on the different elements.
I think it’s the starting point when we do photography.
The sunlight create a new world everytime, with contrast and colors, as if we were in a movie.
We can imagine many scenarios.
It reminds me some pictures of Joel Meyerowitz in the 80s, whose work fascinate me.
Clémence Louise Biau: パリおよびフランス南西部を拠点とするフォトグラファー。
写真という媒体を通じて、日常の美しさと、それを構成する自然や人間関係、愛、思い出といったものに目を向ける必要性を伝えている。 clemencelouisebiau.com
A photographer, living between Paris and south west of France.
She does fashion, still life and documentary photography with a sustainable mind and uses the medium to show the beauty of everyday life and the need to care about what she’s made of : nature, relationship, love, memories.