White can make us hesitant but at the same time it can make us brave and fearless too.
It’s a ‘perfect’ base, separate from color.
A raw material, a level beginning.
White is a kind of stasis before the interaction.
It carries a sense of pressure in itself, a fear of ruining its state, of dirtying it unnecessarily.
Like being the only creature to step out into an untouched wilderness, as soon as you make a footstep you are involved in the landscape; you are responsible for creating a new perception of the space.
Despite the nervousness we see white is the most accepting.
It encourages things to grow and travel across it once they are there.
It takes on every element and highlights every form.
MR Studio London: Mike PollardとRika Yamasakiからなる、ロンドンを拠点とするアーティストデュオ。
野生と自家栽培の植物を使い、ドリーミーなアートワークやライフグッズを生み出す。 www.mrstudiolondon.co.uk