A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
Like flowers before they bloom; as a platform to exhibit and nurture young talent, Lula JAPAN’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and fresh new sensibility.
No.72 “Cure for the Itch”
top by RALPH LAUREN, tie by PHILOMENAcoat by NIM, top by AYNIcoat and sandals by AYNI, jumpsuit by GARUAtop by AYNI, shirt by RALPH LAUREN, scarf on the waist by ZARA
Currently, Latin American women have managed to wake up thanks to the tireless struggle for their rights.
The cure for itching is a remedy for something that bothers, something that is not right in society.
The cure does not scratch to harm us, the cure is a slow process that takes a long time to arrive.
In a man-dominated society, the cure for injustice, what bothers, that itching, is equal rights.
This editorial tells the stages of a woman in this healing process, beginning shyly, going through insecurity, support and finally victory.
top by AYNI, shirt by RALPH LAURENcoat by NIM, top by AYNIcoat and dress by AYNI, trousers and belt by ZARA, sandals by BLU NARA
Arnold Loli: ペルー生まれのフォトグラファー。視聴覚コミュニケーションと映像を専門とする。
ディレクターをした短編映画「WelcoMe HoMe」は、第3回インディペンデント・リマ国際フェスティバルの全国代表に選ばれた。
この映画では、ノイズと視覚的汚染に囲まれたリマの混沌とした生活をコラージュ形式で表現している。 arnoldloli.com/
Born in Peru. Graduate of Audiovisual Communication and specialized in cinematography.
His photography is characterized its minimalistic and serene mood.
As a director, his short film “WelcoMe HoMe” was selected as the National Representative for the 3rd International Festival of Independent Lima.
In this film, Arnold shows, in collage form, a chaotic life in Lima surrounded by noise and visual pollution.