A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
left - scarf by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ,
right - dress by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ, earrings by MARAMZscarf by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZshirt by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ, bangle and ring by MARAMZleft - necklace by MARAMZ,
right - dress by ANOTHER [ARCHIVE], bracelet by MARAMZ
Photography by Raúl Cañas
Styling by Rosa Bouzas
Hair and Make up by Laura Olivares
Models by Stacey Riera, Aire and Momo
Styling Assistant by Carlota Aragó
Special Thanks HYGG
Stacey Rier/Model(Barcelona based)
Rosa Bouzas/Stylist(Barcelona based)
「Fashion and Animal(ファッションと動物)」
フォトグラファーのRaúl Cañasと私たちは動物愛好家で、ファッションと環境への配慮、特に動物愛護への関心を混在させた作品を作りたいと思っていました。
We wanted to do an editorial in which we could mix fashion and our concern for the environment and specifically for animal welfare, as animal lovers that we both are along with Raúl Cañas, the photographer of the project.
That’s how we came up with the idea of focusing ‘ANIMAL INSTINCT’ on the sustainable and committed fashion that many of us demand nowadays and in which may Catalan and Spanish brands and designers are already working, some of which have wanted to support us in this initiative.
The idea came from the model Stacey, who for years has dedicated much of her time to work on her brand “HYGG”, dedicated to the natural care of canine skin, supported by committed people like Raúl Cañas, photographer of the editorial, who shares her same concerns.
“HYGG” was the source of inspiration for this very special project for the whole team.
“HYGG” is basically a communication platform and a meeting point for people, volunteers, shelters, and non-profit associations that work under the same premise: to improve the lives of dogs in need and raise awareness about the need to adopt and give a home to dogs that don’t have one.
left - coat, trousers and shoes by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ,
right - pouch by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZleft - dress by ANOTHER [ARCHIVE], sanglasses by ETNIA BARCELONA,
right - necklace by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZdress by ANOTHER [ARCHIVE], headdress by EVADEshoes by EVADEleft - dress by EVADE, belt by CORDA CUSTOMS, ring by MARAMZ, boots stylist’s own,
right - belts by ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ
A model and actor based in Barcelona.
She is also the founder of the brand “HYGG”, a modern line of natural skin care products for dogs, her most personal project.
From her love and dedication to dogs in need, she has created a whole philosophy of life that extends and materializes in her brand “HYGG”.
Rosa Bouzas: バルセロナベースのクリエイティブディレクター兼スタイリスト、セットデザイナー。
イメージとファッションを、アイデアを伝え感情を喚起することができる強力なコミュニケーションツールとして考えている。 www.instagram.com/rmbouzas/
A creative director, stylist and set designer based in Barcelona.
For her, image and fashion are powerful communication tools with which we can get across ideas and arouse emotions.