Black and white, contradictions, inequality but also power, contrast and light and darkness.
All these things come to my mind when I think of the word black.
In a lot of dutch sayings the word black has a negative meaning,
but for me black is the thing that makes other colors pop, creates contrast and depth.
Black brings up memories of old black and white photos of my mother.
It represents the time picture from earlier years.
For my collages I love to use pieces of black and white pictures from old books and magazines.
Because the black and white that is used in old pictures has such an appealing and warm tone.
Black reminds me of the ink that was used to write each other letters with.
Black brings up nostalgia.
Black is also staring into the darkness, not knowing what will come next.
I love the dutch saying “Er gloort licht aan het einde van de tunnel.” (there’s light at the end of the tunnel) which means that we expect that things will get better soon.
At last, black reminds me of a trip I made to Indonesia with a good friend twenty years ago.
In the evening we would walk around Solo (a city on the island Java), they didn’t have street lightning in the neighborhood where we were staying, so when the clock hit six everything would turn black.
From one moment to the next, everything black.
Just like someone switched of the lights, an incredible experience.
Margot de Korte: オランダ・アメルスフォールトを拠点とするアーティスト。
大胆な色使いのコラージュ作品には、ファンタジックな静けさが漂う。 www.instagram.com/margotbirgitte