A uniquely precious encounter with artists from all over the world.
As a platform to exhibit and unveil the various talent, Lula Japan’s editorial team have selected the most vivid and genuine works from artists around the world.
Entrust your heart to this creative and unique new sensibility.
No.325 “Fragrant Harbour”
vest and headdress by GIUGIUC STUDIO, vintage trousers and belts stylist’s ownsandals by MANOLO BLAHNIK, choker by GIUGIUC STUDIO, belt by PINK BULL VINTAGE, vintage top, skirt and headdress stylist’s own
Photography by Codruț Sebastian Neguț
Styling by Amalia Dobre
Model by Victoria Avram at OMG Model Management
Codruț Sebastian Neguț/Photographer(Bucharest based)
Amalia Dobre/Stylist(Bucharest based)
この作品は、スタイリスト Amalia Dobreが最近の撮影でモデル Victoria Avramと出会い、彼女が数日後に香港に発つことを知ったのがきっかけ。
偶然にも写真家 Codruț Sebastian Neguțが同時期に香港に向かう予定だったため、皆でルーマニアのブカレストで待ち合わせをし、一緒に計画を立てました。
Amalia Dobre met Victoria Avram at a recent photo shoot, and found out that Victoria was leaving for Hong Kong in a couple of days.
Coincidentally, Codruț Sebastian Neguț was heading to Hong Kong during the same period, so we all met up in Bucharest and planned to work together.
Amalia styled several outfits, and we packed them up with the rest of the luggage.
After we arrived in Hong Kong, we did the fitting on Zoom, scouted locations while also exploring the city.
So we went with the flow and shot a total of nine rolls of films over the course of three days.
The inspiration was newness.
A new location, the styling, a new way of working.
Both absorbing and projecting the whirlwind experience of Hong Kong.
Since we were in new, unknown territory, we decided to explore and think on our feet, approaching the shoots step-by-step.
As with most of our projects we aim to draw distinct layers between our visual and written stories because of what we get in the end.
The final story ultimately must always include something that makes us, and the viewers, curious.
sandals by MANOLO BLAHNIK, choker by GIUGIUC STUDIO, belt by PINK BULL VINTAGE, vintage top, skirt and headdress stylist’s ownsandals by MANOLO BLAHNIK, choker by STETTIN JEWELRY, scarf stylist’s own, top and belt model’s own
Codruț Sebastian Neguț: ルーマニア・ブカレストで活躍する写真家。
作品は複数の地元雑誌に取り上げられており、ルーマニアの女性向けファッション雑誌 Glamour Romaniaにも定期的に寄稿している。 www.instagram.com/codrutnegut/
A photographer based in Bucharest., Romania.
His photographs have been featured in several local magazines and he is a regular contributor to Glamour Romania.
A stylist based in Bucharest, Romania, currently working as a fashion editor at Glamour Romania.
They’ve been working together for the past four years, a relationship that is characterized through experimentation and shifting approaches.